Can we consider individual ants as analogous to individual neurons?
Deborah Gordon, a biologist at Stanford University, has identified striking similarities in how ant colonies, brains, cells and computer networks regulate themselves. She says:
ant, ants, biological, biomimetic, biomimicry, brain, Featured, foraging trails, neuron, stigmergy, swarm, swarm intelligence
Dr. Luiz Carlos Forti, professor at UNESP (Sào Paulo State University, Brazil), leads the excavation of a huge subterranean megalopolis built by Leafcutter ants that spanned an area of more than 538 square feet and delved 26 feet into the earth.
ants, biological, biomimicry, collective, cooperation, cooperative, Featured, stigmergic collaboration, stigmergy, swarm intelligence
Some years ago Southwest Airlines got trouble with cargo operations. Indeed many planes were using only 7% of their cargo space and at some airports there wasn’t enough capacity to accommodate scheduled loads of freight, leading to bottlenecks.
ant, ants, biological, foraging trails, southwest, stigmergy, swarm, swarm intelligence, trail